A NEW resolution…

Happy New Year 2016 - Written With Fireworks

As I type, there are less than six hours left in 2015. One of the craziest, and most amazing of my life!  This year I fulfilled a life long dream. I wrote a romance novel. Maybe it’s not your typical dream, but it’s been a fantasy of mine since I was sixteen years old.

But, not only did I write one, I also published it! (Another amazing feat if I do say so myself.)  And I was thrown into the world I never even dreamed of! That of an author. I’ve learned a TON. Some kicking and screaming, and others with open arms. I’ve met authors, bloggers, READERS.  Some of the most beautiful people in the world… One’s I would have never met had I not starting writing. And the thing is, I’ve never seen a single one face to face.

This brings me to my resolution.

I know many people think they’re silly, but I always make one. One. The same one. It’s been the same as long as I can remember.

Honestly, I bet it’s the same ONE most people make every year.  To loose weight. To drop a size or two. To physically change in the negative direction…

But this year I’m going to do something different. My resolution is to be healthy. To move more, experience life, and eat healthy things. To do it regardless of what the scale says, regardless of how my pants fit. And I know to some this may seem like the same thing, but it’s not. Because I’ve been known to do things that are NOT healthy, to loose weight. It’s just not the same.

But I believe health means one more thing–possibly the most important….to love ME.  The me that I am. Exactly how I am, each day, every day. Regardless what I see in the mirror, regardless of the number that does not define me or what size that shows nothing about the person I am inside. To love myself. The way I love the people I’ve never met.


And that’s my hope for you too. That you can see your beauty, and stop beating yourself up for your short comings.  That you love the person you are. Right now. Exactly as you are. Even in your weakest moments.

So that’s it.  HAPPY NEW YEAR!  To my old friends, my new friends, and the friends I haven’t met yet!

I love you all!  Exactly how you are!  And I wish you a happy, HEALTHY, 2016!!!!

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